LEAK DETECTOR_Aerosol_English

Safety Data Sheet Regulation EC No 1907/2006 Art.31

Productname : LEAK DETECTOR Creationdate : 02.06.20 Version : 6.0
Ref.Nr.: BDS001563_3_20200602 (EN) Replaces: BDS001563_20200423

SECTION 1: Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company/undertaking
1.1. Product identifier
1.2. Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against
Gas leak detector
1.3. Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet
CRC Industries UK Ltd.
Wylds Road
Castlefield Industrial Estate
TA6 4DD Bridgwater Somerset
United Kingdom
Tel.: +44 1278 727200
Fax.: +44 1278 425644
E-mail : hse.uk@crcind.com
1.4. Emergency telephone number
(+44)(0)1278 72 7200 (office hours)
SECTION 2: Hazards identification
2.1. Classification of the substance or mixture
Classification according to Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008
Physical: Aerosol, category 3
 Pressurised container: May burst if heated.
Classification is based on test data.
Health: Skin sensitization, category 1A
 May cause an allergic skin reaction.
 Eye irritation, category 2
 Causes serious eye irritation.
Classification based on calculation method.
Environment: Not classified
Classification based on calculation method.
2.2. Label elements
Labelling according to Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008
Product identifier: Contains:
Hazard pictogram(s):      
Signal word: Warning
Hazard statement(s): H229 : Pressurised container: May burst if heated.
 H317 : May cause an allergic skin reaction.
 H319 : Causes serious eye irritation.
Precautionary statement(s): P102 : Keep out of reach of children.
P210 : Keep away from heat, hot surfaces, sparks, open flames and other ignition sources. No smoking.
 P251 : Do not pierce or burn, even after use.
 P280 : Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection.
P333/313 : If skin irritation or rash occurs: Get medical advice/attention.
P410/412 : Protect from sunlight. Do not expose to temperatures exceeding 50°C/122°F.
P501-2 : Dispose of contents/container to an authorised waste collection point.
2.3. Other hazards
No information available
SECTION 3: Composition/information on ingredients
3.1. Substances
Not applicable.
3.2. Mixtures
Hazardous ingredientRegistration numberCAS-nr.EC-nrw/w %Hazard Class and CategoryHazard statementNotes
2-amino-2-methylpropanol01-2119475110-51124-68-5204-709-8<1Eye Irrit. 2, Skin Irrit. 2, Aquatic Chronic 3H319,H315,H412B
dinitrogen oxide01-2119970538-2510024-97-2233-032-0<2.5Ox. Gas 1, Press. GasH270,H280B,W
(Z)-N-methyl-N-(1-oxo-9-octadecenyl)glycine01-2119488991-20110-25-8203-749-3<2.5Acute Tox. 4, Skin Irrit. 2, Eye Dam. 1, Aquatic Acute 1H332,H315,H318,H400B
Amines, C12-14 (even numbered)- alkyldimethyl, N-oxides01-2119490061-47308062-28-4(931-292-6)<0.25Eye Dam. 1, Acute Tox. 4, Skin Irrit. 2, Aquatic Acute 1, Aquatic Chronic 2H318,H302,H315,H400,H411Q
Oxazolidine, 4,4-dimethyl--51200-87-4257-048-2<0.1Flam. Liq. 3, Acute Tox. 4, Acute Tox. 3, Eye Dam. 1, STOT SE 3H226,H302,H331,H318,H335
1-Butanol, 2-amino-01-2119492338-2896-20-8202-488-2<0.1Acute Tox. 4, Skin Corr. 1B, Eye Dam. 1, Aquatic Acute 1H302,H314,H318,H400B
1,2-benzisothiazol-3(2H)-one-2634-33-5220-120-9<0.005Acute Tox. 2, Acute Tox. 4, Skin Irrit. 2, Eye Dam. 1, Skin Sens. 1, Aquatic Acute 1, Aquatic Chronic 2H330,H302,H315,H318,H317,H400,H411X,R
2-methyl-2H-isothiazol-3-one2682-20-4220-239-60.0015-0.005Acute Tox. 3, Acute Tox. 2, Skin Corr. 1B, Eye Dam. 1, Skin Sens. 1A, Aquatic Acute 1, Aquatic Chronic 2H301,H330,H314,H318,H317,H400,H411M,X
Explanation notes
B : substance with national established workplace exposure limit
M : M acute = 10
Q : The CAS-no is only an indicative identifier to be used outside the EU for global inventory entries.
R : substance in plant protection or biocidal product regarded as being registered (art.15 REACH Regulation No 1907/2006)
W : Note: substance mentioned on the list of CMR-substances of the Dutch Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment (SZW)
X : SCL (specific concentration limit)in accordance with art.10 of CLP Regulation No 1272/2008
(* Explanation phrases : see chapter 16)
SECTION 4: First aid measures
4.1. Description of first aid measures
Contact with eyes : IF IN EYES:
 Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes.
 If eye irritation persists: Get medical advice/attention.
Contact with skin : Take off contaminated clothing and wash before reuse.
 Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes.
 If skin irritation occurs: Get medical advice/attention.
Inhalation : IF INHALED: Remove person to fresh air and keep comfortable for breathing.
 Call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician if you feel unwell.
Ingestion : Seek medical attention if ill effects occur
4.2. Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayed
Inhalation : No harmful effects known if used for its intended purpose
Ingestion : May cause gastrointestinal disturbances
Skin contact : May cause an allergic skin reaction.
 Symptoms : redness and pain
Eye contact : Causes serious eye irritation.
 Symptoms : redness and pain
4.3. Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment needed
General Advice : If skin or eye irritation occurs: Get medical advice/attention.
SECTION 5: Firefighting measures
5.1. Extinguishing media
foam, carbon dioxide or dry agent
5.2. Special hazards arising from the substance or mixture
Aerosols may explode if heated above 50°C
Forms hazardous decomposition products
5.3. Advice for firefighters
Keep container(s) exposed to fire cool, by spraying with water
In case of fire, do not breathe fumes
SECTION 6: Accidental release measures
6.1. Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency procedures
Shut off all ignition sources
Ensure adequate ventilation
Wear suitable protective clothing and gloves.
6.2. Environmental precautions
Do not allow to enter public sewers and watercourses
6.3. Methods and material for containment and cleaning up
Absorb spillage in suitable inert material
6.4. Reference to other sections
For further information see section 8
SECTION 7: Handling and storage
7.1. Precautions for safe handling
Keep away from heat and sources of ignition
Do not spray on a naked flame or incandescent material.
Do not pierce or burn aerosols, even after use.
Do not breathe aerosols or vapours.
Ensure adequate ventilation
Avoid contact with skin and eyes.
Wash thoroughly after use
Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection.
7.2. Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilities
Pressurized container : protect from sunlight and do not expose to temperatures exceeding 50°C.
Keep out of reach of children.
7.3. Specific end use(s)
Gas leak detector
SECTION 8: Exposure controls/personal protection
8.1. Control parameters
Exposure limits :
Hazardous ingredientCAS-nr.method
National established exposure limits, United Kingdom
dinitrogen oxide10024-97-2TWA100 ppm
National established exposure limits, Ireland
dinitrogen oxide10024-97-2TWA50 ppm
8.2. Exposure controls
Control procedures : Ensure adequate ventilation
 Keep away from heat and sources of ignition
Personal protection : Take precautions to avoid contact with skin and eyes when handling the product.
 It is good practice to wear gloves and to provide adequate ventilation whenever using the product.
 In all cases handle and use the product in accordance with good industrial hygiene practices.
inhalation : In case of insufficient ventilation, wear suitable respiratory equipment.
recommended respiratory protection: Air purifying respirator equiped with organic gas/vapor cartridge (type A)
hands and skin : When handling the product wear chemical-resistant gloves (standard EN 374).
 Use a reusable glove with a minimum breakthrough time of 30 minutes. The breakthrough time of the glove should be longer than the total duration of product use. If work lasts longer than the breakthrough time, gloves should be changed part-way through.
Recommended gloves: Nitrile
recommended breakthrough time > 480 minutes
Recommended thickness < 0.45 mm
eyes : Wear safety eyewear according to EN 166.
Environmental protection: Avoid release to the environment.
 Collect spillage.
SECTION 9: Physical and chemical properties
9.1. Information on basic physical and chemical properties
Appearance : physical state : N2O propelled liquid.
colour : Colorless.
odour : Neutral.
pH : 7.76
Boiling point/range : Not available.
Flash point : None
Evaporation rate : Not available.
Explosion limits : upper limit : Not available.
lower limit : Not available.
Vapour pressure : Not available.
Relative density : 0.999 g/cm3 (@ 20°C).
Solubility in water : Soluble in water
Auto-ignition : > 200 °C
9.2. Other information
VOC = volatile organic compounds
SECTION 10: Stability and reactivity
10.1. Reactivity
No hazardous reactions known if used for its intended purpose
10.2. Chemical stability
10.3. Possibility of hazardous reactions
No hazardous reactions known if used for its intended purpose
10.4. Conditions to avoid
Avoid overheating
10.5. Incompatible materials
Strong oxidising agent
10.6. Hazardous decomposition products
SECTION 11: Toxicological information
11.1. Information on toxicological effects
acute toxicity: based on available data the classification criteria are not met
skin corrosion/irritation: based on available data the classification criteria are not met
serious eye damage/irritation: Causes serious eye irritation.
respiratory or skin sensitisation: May cause an allergic skin reaction.
germ cell mutagenicity: based on available data the classification criteria are not met
carcinogenicity: based on available data the classification criteria are not met
toxicity for reproduction: based on available data the classification criteria are not met
STOT-single exposure: based on available data the classification criteria are not met
STOT repeated exposure: based on available data the classification criteria are not met
aspiration hazard: based on available data the classification criteria are not met
Information on likely routes of exposure:
Inhalation : No adverse health effects expected
Ingestion : May cause gastrointestinal disturbances
Skin contact : May cause an allergic skin reaction.
Eye contact : Causes serious eye irritation.
Toxicological data :
Hazardous ingredientCAS-nr.method
Amines, C12-14 (even numbered)- alkyldimethyl, N-oxides308062-28-4LD50 oral rat1064 mg/kg
SECTION 12: Ecological information
12.1. Toxicity
Not classified
Ecotoxicological data:
Hazardous ingredientCAS-nr.method
Amines, C12-14 (even numbered)- alkyldimethyl, N-oxides308062-28-4IC50 algae0.143 mg/l
LC50 fish2.67 mg/l
EC50 daphnia3.1 mg/l
12.2. Persistence and degradability
No experimental data available
12.3. Bioaccumulative potential
No experimental data available
12.4. Mobility in soil
Soluble in water
12.5. Results of PBT and vPvB assessment
No information available
12.6. Endocrine disrupting properties
No experimental data available
GWP (global warming potential): 3
SECTION 13: Disposal considerations
13.1. Waste treatment methods
National regulations : Disposal should be in accordance with local, state or national legislation
SECTION 14: Transport information
14.1. UN number
UN-number : 1950
14.2. UN proper shipping name
Proper shipping name: AEROSOLS
14.3. Transport hazard class(es)
Class: 2.2
Subsidiary risk: 5.1
ADR/RID - Classification code: 5O
14.4. Packing group
Packing group: Not applicable.
14.5. Environmental hazards
ADR/RID - Environmentally hazardous: No
IMDG - Marine pollutant: No
IATA/ICAO - Environmentally hazardous: No
14.6. Special precautions for user
ADR/RID - Tunnelcode: (E)
IMDG - Ems: F-D, S-U
14.7. Maritime transport in bulk according to IMO instruments
Not applicable.
SECTION 15: Regulatory information
15.1. Safety, health and environmental regulations/legislation specific for the substance or mixture
The Safety Data Sheet is compiled according to the current European requirements.
Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 (REACH)
Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 (CLP)
Dir. 2013/10/EU, 2008/47/EC amendment of the aerosol dispenser directive 75/324/EEC.
15.2. Chemical safety assessment
No information available
SECTION 16: Other information
*Explanation hazard statements: H226 : Flammable liquid and vapour.
 H270 : May cause or intensify fire; oxidiser.
 H280 : Contains gas under pressure; may explode if heated.
 H301 : Toxic if swallowed.
 H302 : Harmful if swallowed.
 H314 : Causes severe skin burns and eye damage.
 H315 : Causes skin irritation.
 H317 : May cause an allergic skin reaction.
 H318 : Causes serious eye damage.
 H319 : Causes serious eye irritation.
 H330 : Fatal if inhaled.
 H331 : Toxic if inhaled.
 H332 : Harmful if inhaled.
 H335 : May cause respiratory irritation.
 H400 : Very toxic to aquatic life.
 H411 : Toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects.
 H412 : Harmful to aquatic life with long lasting effects.
REVISIONS IN CHAPTRE : Classification according to Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008
acronyms and synonyms: TWA = time weight average
 STEL = short time exposure limit
 VOC = volatile organic compounds
 PBT = persistant bioaccumulative toxic
 vPvB = very persitant very bioaccumulative
This product should be stored, handled and used in accordance with good industrial hygiene practices and in conformity with any legal regulation.
The information contained herewith is based on the present state of our knowledge and is intended to describe our products from the point of view of safety requirements. It does not guarantee any specific properties.
Apart from any fair dealing for purposes of study, research and review of health, safety and environmental risks,no part of these documents may be reproduced by any process without written permission from CRC.